How can we help?

In recent years, we have been involved in a number of domestic and international projects where we have made the software in its entirety or some of the software modules. In the case of new systems, after understanding the customer's needs, we make suggestions for the technologies used to develop the systems.
Preferred Program Languages and Technologies: Java EE, Spring, JPA, MySQL, SQL, JSF, PHP
Based on the agreement with the customer, we use the Scrum or Kanban methodology to schedule the tasks to be performed during the development process. The progress of recorded needs can be tracked through our ticketing system.
Business and IT often speaks different languages. In case the communication is missed between the two a software can rather be barrier, then a real help to a company. Based on our clients’ feedback one of the biggest advantages of FreshSoftteam is that we hear and understand the business requirements. We help mutual thinking so that this way our solutions become valuable and useful for our clients. We serve our clients with fresh eyes, fresh ideas and the desired competency.
A riasztórendszer, azaz behatolásvédelmi rendszer jelzést ad, ha illetéktelen behatolás történik egy adott területre. Nem tudja megakadályozni a betörést, de az intenzív hangjelzéssel és/vagy egy távfelügyeleti szolgálat felé küldött üzenettel képes megzavarni a betörőt és minimalizálni az okozott kárt. A behatolásvédelmi rendszert a védett területen több rétegben, „hagymahéj-szerű” elrendezésben, úgynevezett védelmi körökben helyezzük el.

Our private and professional life is also facilitated by mobile devices. When we face new challanges, often the first question which comes to our mind is “do we have an application for that”? Please remember this and give the creativity of CodeLeaf developers a chance!
Our Android and IOS developers are involved in many projects to internal and external markets either as a main contractor or subcontractor of our partners.
In addition to testing the software we have developed, we also undertake tasks which development is not done by us, but we check the software made by others manually or through automated test cases based on functionality and user experience. In such cases, we work closely not only with the customer but also with the development team to correct the errors we discover as quickly and simply as possible.
Családunk és tulajdonunk védelme a legfontosabb, ennek egyik eszköze a kamerás megfigyelőrendszer, amellyel nem csak élőben követhetjük az eseményeket és felügyelhetjük a történéseket, hanem visszamenőleg is megtekintjük azokat.